Xmas Business

As always – busy busy before Christmas… Only dreaming about baking ginger cookies, decorating home or packaging presents. But some works made me smile. RABBITS INVASION!
Here they are:

15min xmas

A cover for newspaper winter events edition.
Check it here!

atvirukas lindy Q.cdr

A postcard for Lithuanian lindyhopers.

A calendar for the next year.
Buy zazzle version.

Some works were ordered to be a present – can’t show them now:)


Bath is a beautiful city with lovely Oldtown. In lithuanian it’s name means “shoe”.
Bath Christmas Market is well-known festival in all England. This year I decided to participate in it. So this November 20th we will pack all items and drive through Europe to England. I promise to tell about this after the market.
If you will be in England – come to Bath (November 26 – December 6) and meet us there.

These are some pictures of Bath.

Bath 1 800

Bath 2 800