Suomiški komiksai vaikams

Ilga istorija trumpai: Iš Australijos į Lietuvą keliavom pro Helsinkį. Oro uoste belaukdama tikrinausi paštą. Ir kaip tik gavau el. laišką, siūlantį dalyvauti vaikiško komikso konkurse, festivalyje, kuris vyks kaip tik Helsinkyje. Beveik ženklas – pamaniau. Tada nuskridom į Vilnių, ten sutikom seniai matytus šeimos narius ir draugus ir visai ne tai galvoj buvo. Ir galų gale, kai sėdau prie darbų, supratau, jog liko apie 7 dienos nupaišyt bent 10 puslapių komiksą. Nelabai tikėtina. Bet kadangi visiem apsiskelbiau, trauktis atrodė gėdinga. Nors ne dirbt norėjosi, o bėgt į saulėtą miestą, susitikt. O tuo labiau kai draugai padrąsino – komiksas per 5 dienas? Kodėl gi ne. Istorija užgimė irgi ne be jų pagalbos. Ačiū!


Gal darbo vieta ir atrodo įkvepiančiai, patogumu negalėtų pasigirt.


Nesavo kompiuterio ekranas – mažas, skaneris – senokas, popierius kaip sugertukas… Visai tai ir įtakojo tokį stilių. Visai smagu tokie netikėtumai! Paskutinę minutę dar spėjau išsiųst darbelį.

Po kurio laiko, kai jau visai nebesitikėjau, gavau žinutę, kad mano istorija laimėjo 2ą vietą! Valio! Idant festivalio metu su sese buvom Osle, ėmėm ir nukeliavom į Helsinkį. Juk juokingas atstumas palyginus su nuotoliais Australijoje.


Dramblys keliauja su manim jau daugiau nei 8 metus.


Su 1os vietos nugalėtoja Elina. Jos blog’as:


Su Reetta, irgi laimėtoja apsikeičiam autografais 🙂


Štai ir jie (autografai ir pirmos vietos istorija).


Aš ant scenos, ojoj!


Pati knyga. Piešti kates nebuvo privaloma. Bet katės valdo pasaulį, tik ne visi tai nori pripažint.


Ir mano istorija. Katės gi.


Kava ir merginos

It is always nice to see your work printed. There is always a surprise – the paper, colours, and if the image is made with the help of computer – even the size and details look new. Lately I got some stuff printed in magazines or books, so I took some time and a camera and there it is.


Espresso tales – a new magazine, you can guess – it is about coffee and stories. And I think it is very Melbournian thing. When Rebecca emailed me and asked if I could make any illustration for the new mag, I was very busy, but I had this sketch for the coffee machine. As another idea was chosen for the machine, this was laying in the drawer, oh well, in computer. So I made some adjustments and sent it to Rebecca.

little coffee spirits dotsIMG_7734

And here it is – printed on a sweet matte paper. It got some rain on it sadly, but just few drops, still looks good.


After that I made this card. Soon you can get it on etsy too 🙂


This is a little bit different thing – I got in one of the biggest Lithuanian magazines „Panelė”. Nice article name – Little animals on the brush 🙂


Today I received a lovely package (see the post stamp cats!) from Latvia with few comic books, stickers and other fun stuff.

IMG_7287 maz IMG_7288 In the very last page of a book or magazine or anthology called kuš! there is my little illustration. Actually I send the whole comic, just the one page got printed, but I should feel very lucky, because this issue supposed to be Latvian-only. Or almost. Being Lithuanian I can read few words in Latvian I got the idea of it (mainly theme and sizes of file) and drew the comic and here you see the first page of the story.


Now I’m thinking what to do with the rest of the story. Should I just publish it here? Until then – look there:

Paper Sea 2

It’s been a while since my last post. Because I am enjoying semi-holidays in my home country Lithuania 🙂

But cool guys from Australian Paper Sea magazine (remember? – few of my illustrations got there) started a happy subscriber giveaway and there is some of my cards too 🙂


2) FOLLOW HERE:  @paperseaqrtly


And maybe you’ll get a lovely brown hand stamped bag (everyone’s crazy about them somehow) with cards 🙂