I like sorting things and putting them into collections. Recently I’ve noticed that I have a bunch of drawings with (mostly) animals riding bikes.

Australian animals on a bike from a sketchbook.
Fox, rabbit, lemur, crested tern and some long legged dog. I used this one to make a print. I can’t remember the name of technique, but it involves getting some photosensitive plate, maybe called solar plate, transferring the image by just leaving it in the sun, washing and printing.
Since it was first time I did with this technique, the result isn’t perfect. But you get an idea.

So I got more drawings of few animals sharing one bike. Postcard for www.favoritepostcard.com

Another sketch, I know I started the illustration with coloured pencils to test the new paper, but can’t find it anywhere.
Then there are different types of bikes. The funny named bicycle – Penny-farthing from 1800’s
Even made a stencil and printed on a bag.

This fox has been everyone’s favourite.

A tandem bike. Experiment with gold foil and the envelopes I use for my cards.
I’ve seen some guys cycling with surfboard on their bikes. Actually we even saw one with windsurfing gear on a bike!

This is one of drawings who were made into stickers on the Mazda car (I’ll post pics in next post).
Mountain bike.

Cruiser bike.

Bicycle – street food stand in Thailand.


And with a baby trolley.

About riding bikes together. Sketch and the actual drawing. I can’t remember what was it for.

Postcard for Nieko Rimto.

This is how the card looks before folding it. Riding bike to get some groceries.

And another one.
Exercising bicycle.

Couple of variations – scooter.

Or another scooter, I am confused with the name – both things are called the same.

Another sketch. A rare one – with people.

And of course – a selfie, umm, I mean self portrait 🙂