New painting.
I’m showing off – look at details.
Some more needtodobeforechristmas works. Rabbits calendar.
One from porcelain stuff. There was no time to make photographies of others… Wish to have my own personal photographer.
Works made with diferent techniques. Have no idea which is my style.
Photoshop allmightly
Pencil and stuff.
Acrylics on canvas. I tried to be a painter. Funny
Pen and PC.
Pen. No PC.
Colour pencils from the childhood.
Watercolour and that allmightly programe
Ink, scissors and device (camera).
Today I was checking my scans folder and found some nice stuff. So, let me take you to a little virtual tour of my sketchbooks.
As I am quite bad in drawing people – I draw animals. 2008 I think.
This one was the first in my first moleskine sketchbook. These are some friends having party in their shop. 2007
This was my trying to draw what I see in live music club. Somehow it looks terrible now. Let’s dance, not draw…
A picnic. Draw this for but forgot to finish… 2009
Some old pictures. That cat and dog drawn somewhere on a little piece of paper while talking on a phone or something. And idea of an anteater drawing.
Last night I had a dream that we lost our car somewhere in Poland and my husband was dressed like David Bowie in one artistic video from 70-ies… That was inspiration for this illustration – long wide trousers and rain.