Finders Keepers October

Finders Keepers is the biggest and well known market in Melbourne or maybe even in whole country. And I’m in!

Friday 19th October 6pm – 10pm
Saturday 20th October 10am – 5pm
The Royal Exhibition Building
9 Nicholson Street, Carlton

For more details go to their website.

Now our place looks like a factory – packing, printing, bla bla 🙂

And last, but not the least – we are sharing the stall with Antra. She’ll have her wonderful screen prints and more fun things!

For more works visit her website!

Fur and whiskers

I had a wonderful opportunity to exhibit few my works in impressive exhibition at off the Kerb gallery.

It was about animals, fur and whiskers and collected donations to help animal shelters and things like that. When I delivered the art I saw this in the middle of the room. I always imagined a taxidermy specialist as an old crazy looking man, but the artist was just a young, friendly looking guy, love that surprise. He carefully took the fox out of box.
“It’s not finished”- said he. “I need to brush hair.”

Exhibition showed works in different media, from taxidermy (Adapting Through Planes by Tul Suwannakit) to video projection (Untitled by Cloe Mann).

Just a few artworks. The exhibition will still be there till 19th of October.

Animal series by Alicia Centofanti
Foxy Valley by Jacqueline Gwynne
The Bratwurst sisters by Trish Leone
Watching forest by Aaron Billings
Tattooed Sphynx by Lorena Monsalves
Kat and her cat by Basak Savcigil

And me 🙂

And I love red dots. Especially during the opening night!