
There is a project about ecology and nature related information for children called Green Code . I drew a comic for the contest.

I put only illustrations here, but it is about how people brought rabbits to Australia (of course, when I’m there, I had to create something about Australia) and made a big impact to local nature. The lady on the left says: I’m borred!

And rabbits have a chat that there are no wolves or foxes.

And finally, you need to find Australian animals in that picture.

See it finished there.


I didn’t write here for a long time cause I was moving to Australia. And when I came here, the light shades in our flat were pretty old, dusty paper bubbles, so I decided to make my own.

I got some cheap paper.

And it was made.


What a fiasco! The paper was to thick. To dark for a lampshade. And with some cold purple colour, not yellow, not white but purple lighting. Crap.

That’s it.

Xmas Business

As always – busy busy before Christmas… Only dreaming about baking ginger cookies, decorating home or packaging presents. But some works made me smile. RABBITS INVASION!
Here they are:

15min xmas

A cover for newspaper winter events edition.
Check it here!

atvirukas lindy Q.cdr

A postcard for Lithuanian lindyhopers.

A calendar for the next year.
Buy zazzle version.

Some works were ordered to be a present – can’t show them now:)